MerryChristmas 2007
We now own our big truck, having made the final payment in November. Our house is now completely fixed up and ready to show. As soon as it sells, we will buy Peggy's brother Larry's farm and big house - six miles away, hopefully this Spring? Larry wants to be free to sail around the world. But he is not selling all of his property, so he will always come home to our farm. Peggy's daughter Racheal, her husband Eric and our grandson Zachory (6th grade) have moved to Tucson, about 1600 miles from our us. We’ve visited them a couple times when routed through Tucson. Peggy's son David and his wife Alicia and our other 5 grandchildren are in Urbana, IL just 3 hours from our house. Aspen & Jadyn are now in violin lessons. Jacy, the eldest, is in 5th grade. Treighton and Echo are not in school yet. David got a great new job this year with United Steel Workers. He is working very hard. My mom, Ione Wollberg, is 88 on Dec. 26 - still active and living independently in Omaha, NE.
May your Christmas be filled with wonder and the blessings of Jesus!
Ken & Peggy Wollberg